
DECC Objectives

  • To understand and represent the interests of Darebin's CALD communities;

  • To promote multicultural values and practices in the City of Darebin;

  • To advocate for intercultural dialogue and collaboration;

  • To lobby for the provision of culturally appropriate services for Darebin’s culturally and linguistically diverse communities;

  • To stimulate a multicultural perspective on public policies and community programs;

  • To listen to local ethnic groups and be familiar with current and past needs;

  • To advise the Darebin City Council, the State and Federal Governments, and other relevant bodies on the needs of local ethnic groups;

  • To provide effective channels of communications between local ethnic groups, Darebin Council and key community organisations;

  • To assist local ethnic groups and organisations to support their own communities; and

  • To collaborate with mainstream agencies to ensure the social inclusion of Darebin’s culturally and linguistically diverse communities.