Our Work

Our Work

DECC seeks funding from various sources to undertake specific projects or activities.

Our current projects include:

  • Darebin Asylum Seeker Support Project (DASSP) in partnership with the Darebin City Council

  • The Backyard Harvest Festival - in partnership with the Darebin City Council

  • Auspicing the Kitchens in the Backyard/Garage Project with funding from the VMC

  • Developing a DECC history project


DECC also collaborates with Darebin Council on:

  • The Access and Inclusion Strategy

  • The Equity and Diversity Policy

  • The Anti-Racism Strategy

  • The Multicultural Action Plan


DECC believes that multiculturalism and the social inclusion of culturally and linguistically diverse communities should permeate through all areas of civic life. To this end, when relevant, DECC also engages in consultations on a number of other policies and strategies of the Darebin Council, the State or Federal Government.

DECC works collaboratively with the Statewide peak body for ethnic communities – the Ethnic Communities Council of Victoria (ECCV); and through this entity with the national body, the Federation of Ethnic Communities Councils of Australia (FECCA).